Morrisville Borough has been officially designated as a Bird Town, and has accomplished a great deal. Under the leadership of a very enthusiastic teacher and an energetic Master Gardener, the MV Aviators (afterschool green club at Morrisville Intermediate/High School) have presented at an Environmental Symposium in Maryland, been present for Peregrine banding in Harrisburg, and have created a courtyard garden that thrives with life.
The Audubon Society provides the tools for residents, schools and businesses to make ecologically-friendly decisions, conserving energy and saving money. The Bird Town program promotes efforts to create communities where everyone is a steward of nature in their backyard and beyond.
Click here to visit the Morrisville Bird Town Facebook Group.
Active Bird Town programs are underway in our local communities, including (as of 9/2014):
BUCKS COUNTY: Doylestown Borough, Doylestown Township, Falls Township, Lower Makefield, Morrisville Borough, New Britain Borough, Newtown, Richland Township, Solebury, Springfield Township
Abington, Cheltenham Township, Lower Gwynedd Township, Marlborough, Upper Dublin, Upper Moreland, Upper Salford
LEHIGH COUNTY: Allentown, Bethlehem, Lower Macungie, Salisbury
DELAWARE COUNTY: Newtown Township, Radnor